Wednesday, October 3, 2007

Well Fed, But Are They Well Nourished? Are Your Children's Vitamin Needs Met?

Well fed makes not intend well nourished. Today's children confront a nutritionary crisis of monumental proportions. A steady diet of high-fat fast nutrient and highly procedure convenience repast are starving their immature organic structures of the cardinal foods they necessitate for proper growing and development.

Here are some of import vitamin and foods for children.

Vitamin A/Beta Provitamin A (Antioxidant)

Promotes growing and fix of organic structure tissues, bone, skin, dentition and hair. Helps keep immune system.

Vitamin Degree Centigrade (Antioxidant)

Promotes growing and fix of tissue and healthy gums. Increases Fe absorption. Counteracts cancer-causing effects of consuming nitrates establish in cured meats. Plant synergistically with Vitamin E.

Vitamin Vitamin E (Antioxidant)

Promotes tissue fix and healthy skin, hair, and muscles. Reduces hazard of malignant neoplastic disease and cardiovascular disease.

Thiamin (Vitamin B1)

Assists in blood formation,carbohydrate metamorphosis and encephalon function.

Riboflavin (Vitamin B2)

Used in reddish blood cell formation, antibody production and metamorphosis of all foods. Helps keep normal vision and forestalls birth defects during pregnancy.

Niacin (Vitamin B3)

Necessary for metabolizing nutrient and AIDS in nervous system function.

Pantothenic Acid (Vitamin B5)

Anti-stress vitamin. Involved in industry of adrenal gland hormones, antibodies, and neurotransmitters. Helps in use of other vitamins.

Pyridoxine (Vitamin B6)

Promotes reddish blood cell formation, nervous system function, and metamorphosis of proteins and carbohydrates. Can assist with carpal bone tunnel syndrome.

Vitamin B12

Used by cells to construct deoxyribonucleic acid and word form redness blood cells. Prevents anaemia and is linked to production of the neurotransmitter acetylcholine.

Folic Acid

Prevents neural tubing defects during pregnancy. Necessary for cell growing and division.


Necessary for strong castanets and teeth, keeps regular bosom beat out and back ups transmittal of nervus impulses.


Works synergistically with Ca to advance os mineralization. Important for transmittal of nervus and musculus impulses.


Promotes healthy immune system and advances injure healing. Necessary for normal taste, smell, prostate secretory organ gland function, growing and sexual
maturation. Animal surveys linked lack to learning disablements and mediocre attending span.


DHA is long concatenation of fatty acid, which is critical to encephalon mathematical function and development. Greasy fish like salmon is an first-class nutrient beginning rich for DHA. Omega 3 fish oil addendums are rich in DHA.

Concerns For Today's Children Nutrition Needs

Kids pass an norm of four-and-a half hours day-to-day in presence of the TV, computing machine or television games console. Gallic french fries are now the most consumed vegetables, followed by spaghetti sauces and salsa. And sugar-sweetened drinks are squeezing out more than nutritious picks such as as milk or fruit juice. The consequence of all this?

- worldwide, at least 20 million children under the age of five are overweight

- 85% of children don't devour the suggested 5-a-day of fruits and vegetables

- type two diabetes have more than than doubled among children in the past 40 years

- malignant neoplastic disease is now the prima cause of decease by disease among children

Since nutritionary penchants transport into childhood, we are clearly heading into a annihilating wellness crisis. A disciplinary attack may be required to transfuse a balance children vitamin diet.

Supplementation with best children vitamin is one of the speedy hole attacks while cultivating good dietary pick will harvest long term benefits.

You can happen complete recommendations on vitamin, addendums and nutrition usher at the author's website.

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