Thursday, May 31, 2007

Can Obese Physicians Help People Live a Healthier Life?

Patients treated by obese physicians don't always properly follow their doctor's advice concerning losing weight. Obesity advice given by overweight physicians does not carry the same effect with patients as similar advice given by fit physicians, according to Jo Marie Reilly of White Memorial Hospital in California.

Patients go to physicians for professional advice, however they also look to physicians as role models. From this standpoint, it is difficult for overweight physicians to give credible medical advice regarding weight loss if they don't seem to take care of their own weight problems and health.

Obese physicians are less likely to diagnose obesity and provide obesity counseling for their patients according to a study of physicians' health habits and counseling practices. These doctors do not necessarily classify themselves as obese, said Brian W McCrindle in "Do as I say, not as I do. The new epidemic of childhood obesity".

Physicians who are not overweight can deal with their patients more aggressively and avoid coexistences with other diseases or conditions. An obese physician may sometimes be in denial regarding his own obesity, and so she may overlook obesity in her own patients.

If the hospital staff do not live themselves healthier lifestyles patients get the message that being overweight is a healthy lifestyle, according to Reilly. That is because sometimes patients may see the medical personnel as role models. Hospital staff should be encouraged to live healthier lifestyles, and should also include healthy foods in their vending machines or lunch rooms, said Reilly.

Physicians who are not self-aware of their obesity and do not challenge themselves to make healthy lifestyle changes are losing the battle against obesity, said Reilly.

(c) Project Weight Loss 2007. All rights reserved.

Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Improve Body Torque

Did you know that just living in today's world can create health risk? Our bodies are powered through our metabolism, which is the process of life-sustaining biochemical reactions that occur in our cells every day.

In a perfect world, we take in enough high quality food and nutrients to provide essential fuel for metabolic activity. Ideally, we eliminate wastes created through metabolism as part of a balanced system.

However, in today's fast-paced world, our bodies are challenged to remove the waste and toxins from our cells fast enough to maintain robust health and vitality!

When out of metabolic balance, we suffer from a condition known as metabolic stress and, for some of us, a more serious condition known as metabolic syndrome.

Why is metabolic stress a concern?

"metabolic stress includes all the potential breakdowns in our metabolic activity, and creates dysfunctions that "impact the heart and cholesterol levels, weight gain and loss, blood sugar levels, glucose and insulin regulation, energy level, mood, and focus, Metabolic stress, causes actual damage to our cells and tissues."

Do you have metabolic stress?

Likely. Do you have any of these symptoms?

• Inability to concentrate or focus mentally

• Moodiness, irritability

• Lethargy, lack of physical stamina

• Difficulty keeping weight down or losing weight

• High levels of cholesterol or blood pressure

• Glucose and insulin imbalance

• Irregular bowel movements

• Sleeplessness

It may be difficult to function satisfactorily every day with metabolic stress. It may be impossible to live a vibrant and robust life! Left unattended, metabolic stress can lead to a more severe imbalance, and serious health risk, called metabolic syndrome, which can lead to heart disease, cancer, stroke, diabetes, obesity and macular degeneration.

What is metabolic syndrome?

"…Based on the guidelines from the 2001 National Cholesterol Education Program Adult Treatment Panel (ATP III), any three of the following traits in the same individual meet the criteria for the metabolic syndrome:

1. Abdominal obesity a waist circumference over 102 cm (40 in) in men and over 88 cm (35 inches) in women

2. Serum triglycerides 150 mg/dl or above

3. HDL cholesterol 40mg/dl or lower in men and 50mg/dl or lower in women

4. Blood pressure of 130/85 or more

5. Fasting blood glucose of 110 mg/dl or above (Some groups say 100mg/dl)"

"Metabolic syndrome is quite common" reports WebMD. "More than 50 million Americans have Metabolic Syndrome… Metabolic Syndrome affects more than 40% of people over 60 years of age." BioNovix, Inc.
A New Effective Remedy

Scientists have been studying the effects of a powerful antioxidant called xanthohumol [zantho hu'mol] and its beneficial effects on metabolic stress and metabolic syndrome

After extensive research, testing and development, BioNovix, Inc. scientists have created a bioavailable formulation of xanthohumol has been patented in MeridiumXN. "MeridiumXN is the first and only health product that makes xanthohumol available in a form that we can metabolize." Scientists have learned that MeridiumXN:

• Supports cell health to fight oxidative stress

• Promotes heart health

• Regulates fat metabolism and storage (helps control weight)

• Eliminates toxins from the body

• Has more powerful free radical protection than green tea or red wine, citrus fruits or soy foods

• Modulates cholesterol and triglyceride levels

• Accelerates weight loss and helps keep weight off

• Helps maintain healthy eye cornea and retina

• Helps maintain healthy glucose and insulin levels

• Protects against viruses, bacteria, and fungi

• Acts as an energy enhancer

• Modulates the hormone responsible for a sense of well-being

• Improves skin tone and color

• Helps fight poor sleep and insomnia

• Restores, protects, and vitalizes your health

Consumers report these effects:

• Moderate reduction in appetite and improved weight loss

• Deeper, more sound sleep

• Better, sustained energy throughout the day

• Clearer thinking, better focus

• Improved vision and eye health

• Lower blood pressure and cholesterol

• An overall sense of "well being" and happiness

Don't you want to get the best performance possible from your body?

Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Supplement Scams for Weight Loss

Diet pills are a joke. There are no weight loss supplements out there that help you lose weight, burn fat, or tone your body.

Recently, my #1 client hit me with an email asking, "What do you think of a supplement called _____?" (Name removed to protect the useless!)

Now _____ is a popular "fat burner", but let me tell you, I don't think too much of it (or any fat burner product, for that matter).

Almost every fat burner on the market is a glorified caffeine pill. And there really isn't one product on the market with a well-done, scientific study supporting it's use.

As I told my client, "You know the secrets, bro: Hard work, done consistently, and proper nutrition. That's all it takes to get the body you want" (which he has too, going from 210 and 20% body fat to 175 and single-digit body fat, all while reaching his top fitness level ever).

Back to supplements...I'm not convinced that there is one ingredient out there that will have a significant impact on your fat loss. Whether it's caffeine, calcium, pyruvate, chitosan, forskolin, HCA, or even my beloved Green Tea and fish oils, I don't think you'll lose any extra fat if you use these products (although Green Tea, calcium and fish oils can have a significant impact on better health).

So it's time to expose another myth - the myth that a supplement or ingredient can help you burn more calories and fat and help you achieve the body of your dreams. This is just not going to happen.

Buyer beware, I say. Or buyer be prepared, that's even better. Get to know the truth about these products and whether or not they will do what they say, or just burn a hole in your wallet.

And I guarantee that no one is losing body fat because of caffeine pills. No way.

Let me leave you with this. If you want to really boost your metabolism, do it with the following three steps:

1) Eat several small, protein-based, fiber-rich meals per day.

2) Use a Strength Training programs (using free weights or even bodyweight) to get lean and boost your calorie burning for up to 36 hours after your workout.

Whether you are looking for fat loss, muscle building, or bodyweight workouts with no equipment, the strength and interval workouts have been specially prepared for you through years of experience and research. And the workouts are done fast! According to client Treva Lee, "training only 45 minutes 3 times a week, can't be beat...thanks!"

3) Harness the metabolism-boosting properties of interval training, and kick traditional cardio to the curb.

So eat right and exercise with intensity. And save money by NOT buying diet pills.

Sunday, May 27, 2007

Boost Your Metabolism - Eat Small Meals, Eat Often

It's important to be aware of your metabolism when you're trying to lose weight, and to "boost" it if you can. With a higher metabolism, your body will work more efficiently. You'll have more energy, and you will lose weight naturally, as your body burns your fat cells.

Metabolism is the rate at which your body converts fuel (the food you eat) into energy. When you're overweight, your metabolism slows down. This is because an overweight body is composed of more fat cells than muscle cells, and fat cells need only one eighth the amount of fuel that muscle cells require.

Eat More, And Eat More Often And Beware Of Plateaus

One of the easiest ways to boost your metabolism when you're losing weight is to ensure that you're eating enough. Small, frequent meals at regular intervals keep your metabolism burning throughout the day and even while you're sleeping. There's a danger of plateaus, however.

If you've been on diets, you're aware of the plateau effect. When you're in a plateau, it can last for weeks: you stay on your diet, you're definitely not eating more - in fact you can be eating less - and yet your body doesn't lose a single ounce over weeks. It stays at the same weight.

A plateau occurs when your metabolism is converting the food you eat into energy, and muscle. Although it seems as if you're not losing weight, your metabolism can be converting fuel into muscle, without you being aware of it.

This is a good thing - muscles use more fuel (food) than fat cells, so gaining muscle is great, even though no weight loss is showing on the scales.

The danger of plateaus is that you will start to eat less, hoping to kickstart your body into weight loss. However, what happens is that your body goes into starvation mode, slowing your metabolism.

Eat - And Lose Weight Because You Boost Your Metabolism

This means that you must EAT - even though you don't seem to be losing weight. Eating more, and more often, ensures that your metabolism keeps doing its job. The fact that you're eating is boosting your metabolism: your body must convert the fuel into energy, and it boosts your metabolism when you do this.

So ensure that you have several small meals right throughout the day, with some protein at each meal. This will keep your metabolism high, and not only will you lose weight, but you'll look and feel great too.

Saturday, May 26, 2007

Healthy Tips For Quick Weight Loss

There are many tips out there for someone looking to find some quick weight loss tricks. There are advertisements everywhere for diet pills, and the latest in fad diets. However, you must understand that they each have their potential dangers. The diet pills are highly addictive and, other than potential weight loss, do your body no good. The fad diets are often promoted as the next medical weight loss miracle. Well, overused or abused, this miracle can result in damaging your overall health.

One of the easiest and fastest diet tricks is right under your nose. Water! Simply by drinking a couple of glasses of water before meals you can significantly reduce your appetite. Water acts as a filler thereby reducing your hunger, as well as reducing the capacity of your stomach. Try doing this before meals and it won't be long before you see your weight drop. In the mood for a snack? Have a glass of water instead, and watch the urge (probably, carbohydrate craving) go away. Drinking water also comes with the side benefit of helping to flush your kidneys. This healthy diet tip is enhanced if the water is cold, and can result in the burning of an additional sixty calories per day.

This next tip is essentially also right under your nose. You hear it all the time; eat smaller meals more often. It has been proven over and over again that eating smaller meals five or six times a day will result in your feeling fuller, and eating less. These smaller, more frequent meals will also go a long way to eliminating the urge to snack. Still can't resist a snack? Try a pickle; it's only one calorie and makes a great low cal snack. Eating this way is very helpful to someone who desires quick weight loss because it allows for the controlling of their caloric intake.

Another healthy tip to add to your overall diet plan is the drinking of at least five cups of green tea daily. Studies have shown that the antioxidant catechins found in green tea will aid in the fat burning process of your body. This is a simple step that will help you to burn off an additional eight calories per day. This is just about equal to skipping one can of soda at one meal each day. Not much? Maybe not on the surface, but over an extended period, say a year, you will save around three thousand calories.

There is no magic solution to slimming down, but the use of common sense to eat carefully, and an honest effort to get some regular exercise will prove to be the real keys to weight control and keeping fit. If you are looking to develop your own quick weight loss program, try implementing some of the above tips.

Copyright ©2007 Carl DiNello

Friday, May 25, 2007

The Role Of Disabled Stairlifts For The Physically Challenged

For most of us, the simple act of climbing our stairs is one we take for granted. But for those who are physically disabled, managing the stairs can be more than difficult – it can be impossible. Luckily, for those are physically challenged, yet still need to tackle the stairs, there are disabled stairlifts that allow users to ascend and descend the stairs in their home with ease and comfort.

Disabled stairlifts encompass a swivel chair in which the user can sit comfortably at the base or the top of the stairs. The chair moves along a track that is installed into the wall along the stairs. To move the chair along the track the user simply pushes a button to begin operation. There are generally two different types of disabled stairlifts – electric and battery operated; both have their advantages. An electric stairlift does not require the user to charge batteries or purchase pricey new batteries when needed. Battery operated stairlifts will operate even in the event of a power outage.

There are companies who specialize in outfitting homes with disabled stairlifts. They will come to your home, take measurements, and help you choose the stairlift system that best works for your needs. They will then professionally install the tracks into the wall above the stairs and teach you how to use the system. Using companies such as these allows you to have someone to call should you have any questions or are in need of a repair.

No matter what kind you choose, disabled stairlifts can completely revolutionize the life a person who has become incapacitated due to illness, disease, injury, or age. They can provide a measure of independence that was not previously there and open up a whole new world of possibilities.

Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Maintaining Ideal Body Weight to Manage High Blood Pressure

Ideal Body Weight is the body weight someone can be deemed to have without carrying excess body fat. It is the weight of one's heart, liver, kidneys and other organs, bones, blood, skin and all essential parts of the body, plus a minimal amount of body fat.
Being the correct body weight is essential in managing high blood pressure without the use of medication, because there is a clear link between one carrying excess body fat and the propensity of developing high blood pressure.

Doctors and health authorities determine Ideal Body Weight from patient's height measurement via the universally used Body Mass Index (BMI).
Useful formulae derived from BMI for determining one's ideal body weight are as follows:

In Pounds and Inches:
Ideal Weight in Pounds = 24 x Height in inches x Height in inches divide by 703

In Metric Units:
Ideal Weight in Kilograms = 24 x Height in Metres x Height in Metres

So, for someone who is say, 5ft. 10in. (or 70 inches) tall, their ideal body weight in pounds would be calculated like this:

Ideal Weight in Pounds = 24 x 70 x 70 divided by 703 = 167Ib.

Once one's Ideal Body Weight has been determined, one should endeavour to keep one's weight there or at the very least within a few pounds of it. By doing so the rewards to one's well being is awesome, for it removes a major health risk not just for high blood pressure, but also heart disease, strokes, and musculoskeletal disorders to mention a few.

Ideal Body Weight maintenance essentially depends on a main principle, it is making a conscious decision to, and then actually feeding one's Ideal Body Weight and not the weight one may be today, unless of course one is at Ideal Body Weight. By adhering to this principle, any excess body weight one may have will gradually fall away.
Other factors effecting ideal weight maintenance are one's gender, how physically active one is and ensuring that the amount of dietary fat consumed is at a prudent level.

A human being uses up energy from digested food even if apparently nothing is being done. Energy is needed to run the cardiovascular system; the digestive system and all other base bodily functions constituting basal metabolism that are overseen by the subconscious mind. In addition, food energy (measured in calories) is required to cater for any physically activity one may undertake such as walking, going up and down stairs, or lifting things.

Someone who say, partakes in 30 - 40 minute sessions of aerobic type exercises 3 or 4 times per week, and has a physical exertion aspect to their job could be regarded as moderately active and requires extra calories to support this activity.
Someone's lifestyle is regarded as sedentary when he/she does little or no regular aerobic type exercise and perhaps has an office based job where little or no physical exertion is the order of the day. Such a person requires the least amount of daily calories per pound of Ideal Body Weight and is most likely to have body weight related high blood pressure problems.

If one is very active and for instance partakes in aerobic type exercises, like jogging, continuous swimming, or playing tennis for 40 - 60 minutes or more daily, then one requires higher amounts of calories, depending on the level of activity. People in this category are unlikely to have weight related high blood pressure problems assuming of course their dietary intake is of the correct quality and quantity.

So how does this translate into calorific requirements?

Well, from the conventions of expert nutritionists, the average moderately active man requires 15 calories per pound of Ideal Body Weight, and a sedentary life styled man requires 12 calories per pound of Ideal Body Weight.
For women the requirements are 12 and 10 calories per pound of Idea Bodyl Weight for a moderately active and sedentary life styled person respectively.
There is one other nutritional fact required, that is, 1 gram of consumed dietary fat yields 9 calories.

The Daily Calories and fat intake calculations are now very simple:

Daily Calories = (Ideal Weight in lbs) x Calories required per Ib of Ideal Weight

Daily Fat Calories = Daily Calories x 0.25

Fat Intake (in grams) = (Daily Fat Calories) divided by 9

So for our moderately active man (whose ideal weight we calculated above) of 167 Ib. the calculations simply go like this:

Daily Calories = 167 x 15 = 2505 Calories

Daily Fat Calories = 2505 x 0.25 = 626 Calories

Fat Intake (in grams) = 626 divided by 9 = 69 grams

So with these daily calories and fat intakes known, one has good dietary targets (with respect to high blood pressure and Ideal Body Weight maintenance) to aim at even if they are missed a bit on occasions. One must get used to reading the nutritional content on labels as shopping is done or finding them in published or online tables of nutrition.

One such database can be freely downloaded from

It is surprising how quickly a feel for the nutritional content figures is developed and eventually one will not need to consult charts and tables every time something to bite into comes along.

Controlling one's calorific intake does not necessarily mean a totally restrictive diet. Generally a diet high in fruits and vegetables but low in animal fat and processed foods is a good basis to work from because fresh fruit and vegetables are relatively low in calories and fat. However, it is OK to have "the occassional treat" which may be high in calories, as long as the total calories and fat intakes for that day are not compromised.

Just be patient with as the new dietary habit develops a little at a time, in the knowledge that freedom from anti-hypertension medication is a step closer.

Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Feng Shui For Health - Wealth & Happiness

Most of us have a sense of place.

Almost everyone has at some time, entered a garden, building or room and felt something tangible yet inexplicable: a feeling of joy, happiness, peace, sadness, maybe even of malevolence. Whatever it was, we knew it was definitely associated with the place we were in.

If you are reading this article it's possible you already have a heightened awareness of place, and at times have sensed the energies and character present in a location. It's not an unusual phenomenon. In the West people often talk about a place having good or bad "vibes".

Some people put these feelings down to imagination, or maybe the triggering of past subconscious associations with similar locations. Others believe there are spirits or a ghostly presence nearby.

But whatever the explanation for any one particular experience, most of us are aware of how much the environment… that multitude of outside influences, seen and unseen, can have to do with the 'feel' of a place.

A dark, low-ceilinged room rarely induces as much comfort and well being in us as a light, airy one and most people in warm or temperate climates prefer their garden or patio to be facing north to take advantage of the sun. A garden, patio or deck has a completely different 'feel' when it is located on the sunny side of a house as opposed to when it is mainly in the shade.

Similarly, farmers and other country dwellers throughout the world have built their houses in line with predominant environmental influences. Where there were strong prevailing winds they built homes of stone in the lee of hills or with the gable end facing the prevailing wind direction to garner some protection from the gales. Inside, these structures have a sense of great strength and compactness, usually dark and moody and built, as it were, almost as part of the earth on which they stand.

In other places, where earthquakes happen, people build homes of materials so light and transparent they give a sense of gossamer airiness, almost as if the house might float away on the wind.

In fact, ever since we began building permanent places in which to live (and later to work) we have built structures with our eyes firmly fixed on the environment and its influences.

Even today, with all the marvellous advances in building and civil engineering techniques which allow us to build cities where before they could not possibly have been built, architects and builders take note of the predominant environmental influences and sometimes, (though not always), construct in sympathy with them.

And when they don't… when the built environment is not in harmony with the physical environment and its energies… then, sooner or later problems occur; disasters involving physical damage and perhaps even loss of life.

Yet, though we know how much the environment and the forces of nature affect the places where we live and work, it remains for some people much more difficult – a great leap of faith in fact - to accept that there are unseen natural forces also moving through our homes and offices. Forces which, as an integral part of our physical surroundings, can have an even greater affect upon us and our lives.

This seems strangely paradoxical - to acknowledge that the physical, observable environment impacts upon the lives we lead in our homes and offices yet not accept that unseen forces and energies may also affect us in the places we live and work.

Certainly the Chinese thought so.

Considered to be the oldest recorded civilisation on earth, the Chinese were building in sympathy with the environment at least four thousand years before the advent of the Christian era. Throughout that time they were observing and carefully noting the interaction between their buildings and the environment, as well as studying the influences and effects of unseen forces and energies upon their dwellings.

The more they discovered, the more they constructed and located their properties to take the most propitious advantage of those unseen energies.

From their observations of nature, developed over thousands of years, as well as from their astronomy, their sciences, their philosophies and even from their ancient myths and legends, they evolved the art and science of Feng Shui.

Now, at the beginning of a new millennium, Feng Shui has emerged as a primary metaphysical tool. This tool is used by millions to help them align themselves with the benevolent forces and energies in the environment, while at the same time enabling them to avoid those influences not so benevolent - forces or energies which may bring difficulties or even harm.

It is estimated that more than 200 million people use Feng Shui. In places such as Hong Kong and Taiwan many people, including successful, hard-headed businessmen, wouldn't even think about relocating or remodelling their homes or offices, or even rearranging an interior layout, without first consulting a Feng Shui Master.

Now, more and more people in the West are becoming interested in Feng Shui and how it may help them achieve greater health, wealth and happiness.

Once considered no more than a mythical oriental superstition, Feng Shui has come to be recognised as a serious study of the energies that surround us and how these energies change. What we surround ourselves with in our homes and offices and even in our gardens, reveals a lot about us. The way energy moves through our environment is a good indication of the ease or difficulty with which we move through our lives. A stagnant place, one that is not properly aligned and positioned, in our living or working spaces may mean we are stuck in certain parts of our lives. Places or aspects of our lives that were once filled with energy may no longer be so – the energy has changed; moved on. By practising Feng Shui correctly we are enabled to adapt to the sequence of those energy changes so they can support us rather than bring us harm and unhappiness.

How to improve ones health is fast becoming one of the most constantly posed questions in today's modern society. Everyone is looking for an 'edge' on how they can not only provide a longer life for themselves but ensure that it is a life filled with comfort and vitality. In looking for this edge – many people have turned to Feng Shui – the ancient art and science of placement.

In Feng Shui the bedroom not only plays a role in attracting and maintaining good relationships but also supports your health. There are many reasons for ill health – long-term stress, incorrect diet, lack of exercise etc…. By reassessing those areas of your life in conjunction with implementing ideal Feng Shui principles then good health can be achieved within a reasonably short space of time.

One of the most important considerations when assessing health using Feng Shui guidelines is the position of your bedroom within the home and your bed within that room. So, if you are experiencing ill health then my suggestion is to try using another room or placing the bed in a different location within the bedroom.

Ten other factors that can assist you in your pursuit of good health are:-

• Do not have any mirrors in the bedroom, especially if the mirror is reflecting any portion of the bed whilst you are sleeping. If this is the case remove the offending mirror altogether or cover it with a dense fabric or screen.

• Remove the television – apart from the electrical concerns it has a reflective quality, which in turn has a similar effect, albeit minor, as that of a mirror.

• Ensure that the external electrical box is not located on the same wall as the bed head.

•Ensure that your bedroom is not opposite a T-junction If moving to another room is out of the question, then a 'special shield' can be used to reduce the impact.

• Ensure that your bedroom is not located in direct line of any sharp corners, fences or spikes.

•It is preferable to not sleep on a waterbed as stability is required when sleeping.

• Do not have your bedroom located at the point of a bow shaped road.

• A triangular shaped bedroom creates arguments and it is said that the occupants of the bedroom are prone to heart attacks. In this instance walls would have to be built so as to square off the room.

• I have seen numerous boot shaped bedrooms and these are particularly inauspicious if you are sleeping at the end of the boot.

• If you are experiencing headaches or poor sleep and are sleeping with your head against a window as well as being in direct line with the door then try moving your bed so that your bed head is resting against a solid wall. Having said this, there are times when it is more appropriate to have your bed head resting against a window and this can only be determined by specific individually based data and when certain conditions are prevailing.

It is important to not have your bed resting under an overhanging beam. It would serve you best to simply move the bed in this instance.

Monday, May 21, 2007

Do I Really Need To Lose Weight?

The question may sound like a silly one. You would think that determining whether or not an individual needs to lose weight would be a simple matter. Well, take a look at the number of thin people in this world who still feel that they are too fat. Unfortunately, we don't always see ourselves as we really are. When that happens, it's time to take an objective look at our bodies before going on some weight loss regimen. This article will give you a simple procedure to follow for determining whether or not you really need to lose weight. Hopefully, after reading it, you'll be well informed enough to make one of the most important decisions of your life.

Determining whether or not you really need to lose weight is actually a very simple process. Unfortunately, it's not one that we can do on our own. The reason, as I stated up top, is that we don't always see ourselves as we really are. So, we need to turn to good, hard, solid facts. And the only facts that matter when it comes to deciding on whether or not to lose weight are height, body type and age. The rest of if, wanting to fit into a size three or wanting to be a runway model, doesn't matter. Your ideal weight has already been decided for you based on those three factors. The age factor mostly because as you get older your metabolism slows down. But for the most part, it's height and body type. So just how do we determine what your correct weight is based on those factors?

Well, fortunately, those things have already been figured out for you. There are charts for proper weight just about anywhere you turn on the Internet. Just pick out one of a thousand sites, plug in your height and body type, which is either small frame, average frame or large frame, and the chart will spit back what your ideal weight range is. The usual ranges are about ten pounds. So any weight within that range is considered normal. So, if you weight 145 pounds and your chart shows 135 to 145, even though you're at the upper end of the scale, your weight is still within the acceptable range.

Unfortunately, this is where most people run into trouble. They feel that they have to be at the lower end of the scale. This is not necessarily so. If you consult with your doctor, he'll most likely tell you the same thing. You shouldn't decide to go on a diet unless you are outside of the given range for your height and body type.

So before you decide that you're overweight, please get your correct weight and what your ideal weight should be. And do it at a doctor's office. Most home scales aren't worth a thing. A doctor's scale will be accurate and give you the real facts.

Maybe you do have to lose weight. Just be sure.

To YOUR Health,

Steve Wagner

Wednesday, May 16, 2007

An Ionic Air Purifier - Change Your Air, Not Your Filter

While you may have seen advertisements for ionic air purifiers on television before, it's also likely that you've been somewhat skeptical about their claims. Can ionic air purifiers really remove impurities from your air? And what's the big deal about impurities anyhow? Sure, the advertisements claim that an ionic air purifier will improve the quality of life in your home and prevent illness, but how does that really work?

Unlike regular air purifiers, an ionic air purifier uses scientifically-based technology to bond tiny ionic particles to the impurities in your air, increasing their weight and essentially removing them from the air in your home. A regular purifier requires frequent filter changes, and for a busy family, this may not always be the best option. Filters have the potential for clogging -- and when this happens, your purifier may actually be harming your home environment. Ionic air purifiers require no filter changes and present no potential danger from a blocked system. As the most advanced technology in air purification today, an ionic air purifier will constantly and consistently remove the impurities from your air, worry-free.

Ionic air purifiers are designed with you and your family's health in mind. From dust mites to pet dander, an ionic air purifier uses ionic particles to attach to the impurities in your air and remove them quickly! Without an ionic air purifier, you and your family would breathe in such things as fiberglass dust and pollen -- impurities that may cause serious health problems over time.

A Small Price to Pay For Peace of Mind

Although ionic air purifiers may initially be a daunting investment, the truth is that over time, your purifier will pay for itself. How is this possible? Consider the potential medical expenses you might incur should you or your child develop respiratory complications such as asthma or dust allergies. For very young children whose immune systems are not fully developed, the use of an ionic air purifier in your home could mean the difference between a healthy child and frequent hospital visits due to unclean air.

If you are concerned about family health, an ionic air purifier can alleviate some of that concern. By purifying the air in your home, you'll be removing one of the most common yet unseen enemies of personal health. Pay a visit to your local hardware or department store and ask the sales professionals which ionic air purifier is right for your family. Bring peace of mind to yourself and your family -- purchase an ionic air purifier today.

Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Supplement Your Training For A Better You!

You've probably already heard all the jokes about being made "faster, stronger, better" whether you're brand-new to the experience of body building, or have been doing it for a while. Bodybuilding can be a difficult but rewarding experience, and it is important to coach yourself on all the tools that are at your disposal. While a good diet and plenty of exercise are at the core of a good bodybuilding regimen, you will also find that bodybuilding supplements can help give you the body you have always dreamed of!

The first thing to understand is that bodybuilding supplements are not steroids. They do not provoke any response in testosterone or estrogen levels, as steroids do. Essentially, all that supplement will do is replace missing vitamins and nutrients in your body, getting your body into the peak of what it is capable of at the time of ingestion. While keeping in mind that such supplements are useless without the back up of a good diet and appropriate exercise, bodybuilding supplements give you the extra push you need to be where you want to be.

There are several body-building supplements that you can look into, and it never hurts to be familiar with some common ones. Each one is different and will carry with it its own quirks, especially when combined with your distinct body chemistry. It will be worth your while to search online and find out which supplement works best for you.

One good place to start is with protein powders and weight gainers. Protein powders, when ingested correctly, can provide all the nutrients supplied in a good meal. Especially for people invested in building up their body as fast as possible protein powders and weight gainers can provide the bodybuilder with enough nutrients to support their rapid muscle growth. Weight gainers can help you put on mass, while proteins, with their short chains of amino acids, are quickly digested and easily absorbed, helping with muscle mass.

Creatine is another supplement that has gotten a great deal of attention recently, and the reason why is simple; it works! Creatine is a carrier molecule for phospate. Phosphate is necessary to reform the chains of adenosine triphosphate (ATP), which are broken when your muscles do work. Creatine can provide the necessary phosphates to the ATP, allowing it to reform more quickly. Essentially, creatine allows you to work just as hard and twice as long!

Glutamine is the primary amino acid found in muscle tissue and is a requirement for muscle repair. For those of you who like to work your bodies hard, glutamine can reduce the recuperation time between hard sessions, enabling you to keep you with your own routine. Medically, it used to help rebuild the bodied of traumatized paitents in china. Glutamine does especially well with creatine and the two can maximize your growth potential.

Used correctly and in conjunction with a good diet and a tailored exercise regimen, bodybuilding supplements can be the foundation blocks of a truly wonderful machine: your own body!

Sunday, May 13, 2007

FatLoss4Idiots - A Review of FatLoss4Idiots

FatLoss4Idiots is by nature of it's title, a little "in your face". But then, perhaps sometimes if we find ourselves in the position of needing to lose a bit of weight, maybe that's what we need! If you're looking to buy FatLoss4Idiots then let me shed some light on what you're in for, and how FatLoss4Idiots is different from all the other diet books out there today.

FatLoss4Idiots stakes out it's new territory in the diet book wars by promoting what it calls the Shifting Calories Theory> In a nutshell (hopefully an approved food!) the shifting calories theory states that when you rotate your eating patterns it takes several days before your metabolism can adjust itself to the new foods it's being called upon to process, kind of fooling your fat-burning metabolism and thus forcing fat burning to happen. Makes sense, in a sneaky sort of way.

In order for the FatLoss4Idiots plan to work you'll need to SHIFT the types of calories eaten in doing this your metabolism will burn all of the calories eaten. Subsequently, it will then go after the nearest fat tissue and gobble that up too. This needs to be done every few days in order for any significant weight loss to occur. Of course the foods you're eating need to be "fat loss compatible", or you're merely enjoying a varied menu!

One of FatLoss4Idiots biggest claims to fame is the difference between it and other popular diets out there today. Most of it's main competition: Atkins, South Beach, Jorge Cruise and others focus on amounts of food, thus making it nearly a certainty that no one can stay on them for long, or that the benefits will be anything like long-lasting. Other, more "traditional" diet plans like Jenny Craig or Weight Watchers are designed to give you a 2-3 lbs per week loss, much les than FatLoss4Idiots goes for.

Contemporary research does show that there is something to this theory of timing as regards eating patterns, and FatLoss4Idiots is latching onto this in a big way.

FatLoss4Idiots has created what they call the "online diet generator" which automatically computes it all for you in seconds, giving you just the right daily menu, freeing you from any of the heavy lifting!

This "Idiot Proof Diet" constantly alternates your menu between every possible type of calorie, constantly shifting from one type of calorie to the next, ensuring that the scale keeps dropping.

While FatLoss4Idiots may seem a bit on the goofy side, title and all; results speak for themselves and may just be the combination you've been looking for!

Saturday, May 12, 2007

Health Life Style with Heart and Feeling

If you are an academician, your brain and smart is first place because your brain needs to think and find phenomena on your research and engineering. In a laboratory, you will always conduct some research with some axiom and you must think what you do. Your feel is not need to use in this case. Therefore, you brain always work to think about your research and engineering.

However, if you are in everyday life, you will do your life activity as repeat activities. You will not use your brain because, your activities is repeated action. For example, ride you car, ride your bike, meet with your friend, meet with your colleagues, meet with your family etc. Moreover, if you are a teacher, you will not hard to think about lesson materials to give in your class because this is repeated action everyday. So, what you think? It is easy, it?s not it?.

Your brain can tired because it is need energy when brain use to think something. Your energy can low when long time in using and need to recharge. How recharge your energy especially for brain? You need enough rest and enough food nutrients. Some time you will consume brain nutrient capsule to improve your brain. Brain is contain cells to build our brain and can use to think. These cells can old and die so it is needs replacing with good cells.

Therefore, it is time to replace your brain with your heart. Do not use your brain everyday, but use your feel and heart everyday. Exception, if you are in learning and studying new one, then you must your brain. However, if you are conducting every activity as repeated action, then use your feel and heart. Your activities as repeated action had thinking before in first time.

You can train your feel and heart to replace or to make brain in rest condition. Below some step to do that:

? Better if you conduct meditation especially dragon meditation that mention in my e-book.

? Feel your everyday life activities. Keep positive thinking and do not afraid about anything

? Feel your activities like ride, read, eat, drink, sport, work, speak etc

? Feel your happy, pain, tired, breath, etc. It is will made improvement of your feeling and it is will replace brain with your feeling.

? Do not think if you have problem but feel it. If you can feel it, then your brain will rest and after that, your brain will think of your problem.

? Trust me, many success people because ability of feeling management with every people including with self.

? Your feeling and feel is first step to emotional quotient (EQ). If you can feel your self then you will can feel everybody and can relation to them with proper action too.

Thursday, May 10, 2007

The Rest of the Story

On Monday's I like to recharge my mind and body. After a week of hard training it's time for a rest. Today I will go to work and come home to relax. Throughout this day I avoid as much stress as I can. I can avoid many stresses just by turning off the television and radio. Taking a little time just to sit and be still.

I will leave for work today, 10 minutes early to allow for traffic. Drive with the radio off. Go a little slower than normal. Just get into the flow of things. The added time relaxes me and allows for a more relaxing start to my day. As I drive with the radio off the silence is so nice. All day long people will be talking; phones will be ringing, etc. Just taking a few minutes to rest the senses makes a huge difference.

Arriving in the parking lot I will sit and relax for a few minutes. Thinking about how I want my day to progress. Planning who I need to talk with and how I want these conversations to go.
During the work day I go with the flow. Avoiding confrontations and just trying to get along with everyone. As I pause from time to refocus on staying relaxed my mind will be stay very clear. Before I know it my very productive workday is done.

On the drive home I will leave the radio off. Continuing to take my time during the commute I will arrive home relaxed.

This evening is for my family. My wife will cook a great meal. During dinner everyone will share their day with each other. We make a deal to talk about happy and funny things. As we finish dinner everyone is always in a good mood.

After everyone helps clean up the kitchen together it's time for hanging out. The kids will do their thing, probably homework. The wife and I will read, talk or just enjoy the quiet. On Monday's we always leave the television off.

Tomorrow will be a new day and the beginning of my training week. By taking this one day a week to really relax I can continue to train at a high level. Actually I practice relaxing every day. Some people will think that we are boring people. But you know what we sure aren't all stressed out.

Wednesday, May 9, 2007

Men, Muscles and Menopause

A few weeks back, a reader wrote a letter that really started me thinking about the topic of staying fit after menopause. She is someone who adopted a fitness and healthy eating lifestyle and really transformed herself over a period of time. Now, she is starting to feel like she might be having the beginnings of menopause. Her question was whether she would lose her "new body" because of menopause.

In short, my answer to her was NO! She would not gain body fat or lose muscle JUST because of menopause.

After years of seeing fitness clients go through menopause, I feel that we as women are focusing on menopause as an isolated event and not as a transient life phase. The medical community prepares us for the changes we will have during the menopause years and rightly so. It's pretty freaky to have your body not behave the way you are accustomed to it behaving!

So, I would like to present to you a different way of viewing this life stage from the fitness angle:

I like to think of menopause as being like puberty. The body goes a bit whacky for a time, but it is temporary – your body adjusts to the changes. Hot flashes, vaginal dryness, etc are directly related to menopause. Most are symptoms, not permanent conditions – things that happen to women specifically during menopause as opposed to those things that happen to both men and women as they age , such as weight gain, tiredness, wrinkles etc.

The other bits people talk about related to menopause seem to really be more about age and lifestyle rather than diminishing female hormones.

Think about this, estrogen protects women against heart disease. After menopause, women's risk of heart disease becomes similar to a men's of the same age. In men, the risk of heart disease is predominantly due to lifestyle choices, aging and heredity. So, the risk of heart disease for men and postmenopausal women is the same and depends on lifestyle with a bit of heredity thrown in.

See where I am going with this?

It's been my observation that friends and clients who were not making healthy lifestyle choices before menopause, after menopause continue to look and feel pretty much as they did before.

Those friends and clients who were fit and ate well before menopause, after menopause continue to look and feel….. pretty much as they did before.

AND…some even see it as a wake up call and improve their lifestyle considerably.

I have one client and friend who had early menopause at age 40. Now, eleven years later she is fitter and more beautiful than ever, and she has run 3 marathons since age 48! She also started lifting weights at 46 and has a very much more toned body than she had at 40. She eats well, doesn't smoke and wears her sunscreen. At 51, she looks and acts much younger than she did at 40.

The bottom line: ladies, it takes a lot more than just menopause to cause your body to lose muscle and gain fat. Aging, lack of exercise, years of poor eating and other habits that contribute to ill health are the major contributors.

After all, if loss of female hormones were the only cause of increased body fat – men wouldn't have any!

Copyright 2006 Ainsley Laing

Monday, May 7, 2007

Yoga Classes – The New Way For A Better Living

Yoga classes are as intriguing to all of us as its mystical origin. The East has always made us curious, be it Yoga or Ayurveda, we are taking interest in the benefit of its ethnic way of cure and good health. In Aspen, we teach you this unique form of exercise that has been the source of fitness for millions of people for centuries.

Aspen Club and Spa offer you either a one-on-one class on Yoga or a workshop. It includes coaching on meditation too, which is an integral part of Yoga. Meditation helps you to put your mind and body in sync. Practicing of both these arts of fitness and health helps you in achieving a well-balanced life, with least attack of stress and disease.

At our Spa, each Yoga class is designed as per your requirement. Your present health condition is evaluated and then our instructor prepares a class for your benefits, specially catering to your needs and benefits. This tailor-made training will help you reach the optimum fitness, which you deserve.

During your stay in our Spa, you have a daily 2 hours private session with our Yoga pro, followed by a sumptuous lunch as per your choice of food and a personalized spa treatment for 80 minutes at our luxurious SpaAspen. This entire activity can be of a 1/2/3 day package as per your choice. We offer you a group package too in case you want to come along with your friends and family.

Now, we can discuss the benefits of Yoga, and why it is so much encouraged by us as a fitness package. Yoga is the only type of practice, which can actually massage the internal organs of our body. It can also reach organ like the prostrate which is impossible for us to massage externally. Massaging leads to good functioning of the organs as well as it helps us in gives us warning for the onset of any disease.

Yoga classes also make our body more flexible. We discover the potential of our body, as to how much it can obey our commands during the sessions. The class also helps to lubricate our joints, ligaments and tendons thus stopping us from problems of aging.

Through these stretching of muscles and massaging of organs Yoga classes help in the circulation of blood in all parts of our body. This in turn flushes out all the toxins which

accumulate in our blood thus nourishing every little part of our body. So, through Yoga you can have a complete Detoxification of the body in the most non-strenuous manner possible which helps you in delaying the aging process as well as energizing your life.

Yoga classes can tone up you muscles and give you a better posture. You no more have the inclination of slouching while you sit. Your entire personality changes and you become a more attractive and confident person.

Yoga along with meditation helps you to have a complete control over your mind and body. Besides synchronizing the both, it helps the mind release all kinds of stress and teach you to relax whenever required. It helps to keep emotional balance and you are never pushed over the edge when things get tough.

With continuous practice of Yoga in Yoga classes combined with meditation, you reach a level where your mind gets so detached from emotional weaknesses that no matter what happens around you, you will never get affected by it and would be able to take your decisions logically. Whenever the going gets tough, you still have that inner tranquility which pulls you through the situation.

Sunday, May 6, 2007

Diet Mistakes to Avoid

This is a nightmare for everyone who follows a diet

You have almost reached your goals and than boom a return in weight

You ask yourself: How is that possible, have if followed a wrong diet?

If you follow a diet it is very important that you do everything right.

In this article you will discover six diet mistakes to avoid.

Diet mistake #1: Support

This is just the same such as stop smoking or exams you need support from people.

Without support it is very difficult to keep with your diet plan.

Online support is also an option just visit some forums about dieting or weight loss.

Diet mistake #2: Not drinking enough water.

Water is one of the most important elements in your life.

Drink at least eight glasses of water per day and even more in the summer (or other hot periods).

Drink water from a bottle and not from a glass, you will drink a lot more.

Diet mistake #3: Skipping breakfast.

I can't say this enough do not skip your breakfast.

This is the most important meal of all; it gives you energy to start the day.

If you skip you are more likely to eat high fat and high sugar snacks.

Diet mistake #4: Juice or fruit?

For every piece of fruit you can buy the juice however it is better to eat the real stuff.

The industry added a lot of calories and sugars in the fruit juice.

Fruit juice doesn't contain any fibers.

Diet mistake #4: Exercises are necessary

You can spend hundreds of dollars on diet products and information if you don't do psychical activities your weight-loss programme is not complete. Some effective ways to lose weight with exercises are fitness, running, belly dancing, jogging. Be active for at least 30 minutes in a day.

Diet mistake #5: Eating low fat snacks

Go to your local store and you will find a lot of low fat snacks crisps, chips, chocolate bars.

Of course you can spend a few dollars on it from time to time but eating to much low fat snacks can kill your diet.

Diet mistake #6: Setting unrealistic goals.

Having weight loss goals for yourself is a good idea but setting unrealistic weight loss goals can cause frustration and especially if you don't reach them.

Researchers have found out that losing weight quickly is not healthy at all.

So you have read the 6 "Diet mistakes to avoid".

I hope you have learned something from it. Although this article will help you out it is not enough, knowledge is the key in your weight loss battle.

Saturday, May 5, 2007

How You Can Eat Your Way to a Slimmer You

No one loves beer and buffalo-wings more than me. Honest. Studies have proved this fact; albeit, it wasn't the most scientifically sound study but still. The problem is as much as I like this kind of diet, it isn't the most healthy way to eat and certainly not good for me on a consistent basis. One look at my belly will prove this point.

Wouldn't it be nice if for every ten buffalo-wings you ate, you would make you lose a pound of unsightly flab? Well, maybe buffalo-wings won't do the trick, but new studies are showing that certain foods that can help make you thin and actually can help you drop pounds.

"A pound of carrots or celery will fill you up, with only a small amount of calories or you can have a pound of sausage, and gain weight faster than you can step on a scale," says one digestive health expert. "People don't gain weight on carrots and blueberries; it would be almost impossible to eat enough of them because we fill up on the volume of food we eat and not the type of food."

Here are five eating tips brought to you by the experts at Dual Action Cleanse on foods will help you lose weight:

  • Avoid processed foods – Processed foods tend to be higher in fat and salt. If you eat real food, minimally processed, plain nuts, for example, instead of those processed with fat or 100% whole-wheat bread instead of white bread will help you manage your weight.

  • Eat Your Water/Drink Your Meals – It's an understatement to say how important it is to stay well hydrated on a diet. People often mistake hunger for thirst. So next time you get a hungry, drink a glass of water first to make sure you really are hungry. That's not the only way water can help you lose weight. When water is incorporated into food, it tends to fill you up faster. Most fruits and vegetables are 80% to 90% water. Another tip for you to try is to have a bowl of soup before each meal but make sure it's broth-based and not cream-based.

  • Load the Fiber/Fill Up Before You Fill Out – People who eat a lot of whole grains have an easier time managing their weight. Fiber fills you up before it fills you out weight-wise. Whole grains also have the added benefit of generally being lower in calories than refined grains and carbohydrates like white flour. Most Americans get less than half of the recommended 30 to 35 grams of fiber health experts recommend. The high fiber content of most fruits and vegetables makes them great and in addition, they are low in calories. Look for breads that say 100% whole wheat to make sure you getting the real thing.

  • Go Nuts – Good Fat, Fiber and Protein – Nuts are high in calories, but they are also a great source of protein, fiber, and monounsaturated fat, which is the good kind of fat. All three of these things help in weight loss. A small handful of walnuts or almonds can actually help you lower your risk of heart disease, cancer, and diabetes. Try some in your salad, with a piece of fruit, or sprinkled in your cereal for an added taste of healthy flavor.

  • Got Milk? Calcium Fights Fat – Studies have shown calcium may inhibit the storage of fat, and it seems that causes weight loss largely from the midsection. (Great news for those with beer bellies!) You need the milk anyway for your bones, so it certainly doesn't hurt to drink it anyway. This research has been strictly on food, however, and not supplements. So if you take calcium supplements, you'll still need to drink milk, too. Women who received the largest amount of calcium from dairy foods also lost the most weight and body fat over two years, even without changing their exercise habits. Not a milk lover? You may be able to get similar benefits from soy. It contains many of the same properties as calcium.

  • Choosing a wide assortment of these right kinds of foods can help you lose weight. Some of the key things to look for are foods with a high water content, high-fiber foods, and calcium. All of these will help you feel full for longer periods of time with fewer calories and keep you from less snacking too.

    Seek the opinion of your doctor before following of any diet treatment and regiment. Only a doctor can provide you with advice on what is safe and most effective for you.

    Thursday, May 3, 2007

    5 Natural Remedies for Herpes

    Many sufferers are looking to natural remedies for herpes, preferring the herbs and home treatments over pricey prescription meds. In fact, natural remedies for herpes are popping up all over the place! Anyone looking for alternative herpes treatments really should consider natural methods first.

    Natural remedies for herpes are widely varied and not all of them will work for you. Everyone is different and experiences outbreaks in a different manner, so you will need to experiment with the various methods of providing relief to find which works best for you. Even if you find one right away, it is a good idea to have a backup remedy, so test several methods. Here are five to get you started.

    1. Silica gel is one of the more popular natural remedies for herpes. It soothes and eases the affected area and is far more effective if stored in the fridge. This allows for more cooling relief. Look for organic silica gel for the best results.

    2. Tea tree oil is well-known for its antiseptic properties and is a very useful anti-viral treatment, as well. It is highly favored as a natural remedy for herpes as well as a variety of other problems. Simply apply the oil to the affected area a couple of times a day. It will help dry out the sores and heal them faster and may even prevent outbreaks if used early enough.

    3. St. John's wort is not only good for depression (a common side-effect of herpes) but it can also be used to treat the actual infection! Apply the chilled, used tea bag to the sores for quick relief. You can also bathe the affected area with the cool tea for faster healing. Drinking the herb in tea form or taking it in capsules may also help prevent outbreaks as well as depression, but this has not yet been proven.

    4. Keeping the genital area dry is a very simple natural remedy for herpes in this area. This will help the sores heal faster. You can dust the area with cornstarch or baby powder to help dry it out. Wash and dry the area first and then sprinkle it with one of the mentioned powders. Although they won't cure the outbreak, the very act of keeping the area dry will promote a shorter outbreak period.

    5. Applying black tea bags (such as Earl Grey) is one of many natural remedies for herpes. Simply chill used tea bags in the fridge for an hour or two and apply as needed to the outbreak area. The tea bags don't have to be chilled, but this provides added relief.

    Natural remedies for herpes are many and you will no doubt encounter more as you continue to research this disease. However, the ones given above are perhaps the most effective and should be the ones you start with.

    Wednesday, May 2, 2007

    Fast Track to Better Health-4 Easy Tips

    Would you like to feel younger, look great, have more energy, confidence, enthusiasm, and zest for living? Well, you can do just that. It all begins with your decision to change.

    Do these four things and your health, appearance, and energy level will rapidly improve.

    Revamp your kitchen. What foods sabotage you daily, if not hourly? Well, grab a trash bag. Get rid of the sabotage foods right now. If you feel it is not right to waste food, realize this: Those trashcan foods will rapidly go to your waist, which is wasting your health. If you feel guilty about eliminating those empty calorie foods, donate the money they cost you to a shelter.

    Shut the television off for a week! Yes, you heard me right. The prime reason you feel you do not have time to exercise has to do with your sedentary lifestyle. The average person watches 28 hours of television weekly. By turning the TV off, you will actually become restless. You will wonder what to do. Replace your unproductive poor-health promoting TV habit with exercise.

    Weight yourself at the same time every day. It will stop you from suddenly gaining 10 pounds! If you are up more than a pound or two, cut back on your eating and exercise consistently.

    Get a food journal and calorie counter book. Set a daily caloric goal. The average woman will lose 1-2 pounds weekly by eating between 1,200-1,500 calories daily. The average man will lose 2-3 pounds by eating between 1,800-2,100 calories daily. Track everything that you eat. Writing it down ends the selective memory.

    You only live once. What are you waiting for? Do you want to look great, feel younger, and have more energy? Revamp your kitchen, shut off the TV, weigh yourself daily, and get a food journal. These steps will keep you on the fast track to better health.

    Tuesday, May 1, 2007

    How Much Are You Paying for Stress in Your Life?

    Do you realize how much you are paying for stress in your life? We are so used to everyday stresses that we often do not realize just how much our stresses are costing us.
    Often we pay in the form of bodily pains, sleeplessness and anxiety. We have become so accustomed to our habits and lifestyle that it is only after our bodies alert us to take action that we begin to instigate change. And even then, sometimes we don't even realize that our body is sending us messages.

    The root cause of most body issues is a mental or physical behavior that is not serving you. Often my clients come to me with digestion, insomnia, or out of control eating issues and are looking for a quick food fix. I am happy to help them change their diet for the better. But in order to really make these food changes stick, first we determine the root lifestyle causes that are resulting in the body's issues. Is the insomnia caused by late night worrying about a stressful job? Could the digestion issues be triggered every time a certain topic of conversation is brought up?

    This principle is best explained with the theory of primary and secondary food that I learned at my nutrition school. Primary foods are those areas of your life that feed you at the heart and soul level – your relationships, career, spirituality, exercise, and family. Secondary foods are the actual foods that you put into your mouth. Primary and secondary foods are intricately connected and are equally important.

    When your primary food is not going well, your body can begin to break down and it becomes difficult to make healthy secondary food choices. For example, if you dislike your job, you may start to get chronic headaches everyday at 10 AM – which could lead you to drink three cups of coffee to avoid the pain and stay awake.

    While this is all very easy to explain, it can actually be very difficult at times to determine what the true primary food issues are that are causing insomnia or headaches or other body reactions. And it can be even harder to determine solutions that ease the stress. We can't all quit our jobs immediately or escape on vacations. But sometimes a small lifestyle change can help offset some of the stress that appears in your body as pain, sleeplessness, or feeling out of control. Let me give you a few examples.

    This morning I was awakened by a client who was calling me with major stomach distress. She said "Monica, I'm most upset because last week, I was out of town taking care of my mom and the stomach issues went away. Now they are back with a vengeance and I think I am eating most of the same foods." After we determined that she was for sure eating the same foods, I asked her about stress. She replied "Oh yes, I am taking the GRE exam next week and I haven't taken a test like that in over ten years. I couldn't really think about it last week because I was so busy taking care of my mom. But now I am totally focused on it. But I don't really feel that much stress." I suggested that she take a fifteen minute break and do some deep breathing or meditation and see if that helped her stomach at all. I told her how in my practice most women report having stomach issues flare up after stress inducing activities like moving to New York or post a relationship break up. Later I received an e-mail that her stomach was feeling much better and she was glad for the reminder to slow down every now and then.

    Another client reported that she was having trouble concentrating at work because she repeatedly woke up during the night and was having nightmares. When I asked her about it she said "I just have so much going in my life right now. I'm looking for a new job, moving and dealing with some family issues. But my nightmares aren't about any of those things. I wake up with a general feeling of panic and anxiety at 3 AM and then I just toss and turn for the rest of the night, trying to go back to sleep." I suggested that she buy a journal and keep it by her bed. When she woke up at 3 AM, she could grab the journal and just start writing. She replied that she had actually kept a journal for years before she got married but had stopped writing after her marriage and birth of her daughter because she was afraid that someone might find what she had written. So I told her to rip up the pages after she wrote them. The first night she tried it, she wrote for pages and pages – two hours and dozens of pages later she went back to sleep. She is continuing to write at night and I think she will continue for a little while – but the good news is that is finally sleeping soundly during the hours that she does find rest.

    In another case, I was doing an initial consultation with a female in her thirties. She was telling me about how she felt like she couldn't control her eating habits. I asked her to give me an example. She said "Like this morning. I got to work and scarfed down a piece of French toast and a candy bar before 9 AM. I am such a mess." I paused for a moment and asked her what had happened this morning before she came to work. She replied "I got into a fight with my husband and was late dropping my son off at school." I suggested that it wasn't that she was out of control with her eating, but that certain emotions triggered her unhealthy eating spells. She is now becoming more and more aware of her emotions and learning to recognize the danger periods before they result in an out of control food binge.

    I am not implying that these cases are so simple that deep breathing or journal writing are the deepest and only solutions, but they are helpful lifestyle fixes that can provide some immediate relief while my clients are working on the deeper issues or bigger life changes.

    The next time you are struggling with unexplained sleepless nights, headaches, stomachaches or random aches and pains, look beneath the surface and see what primary food issues may be causing your body to react before you reach for the aspirin or antacid. Then determine if there is a way that you could relieve the stress and anxiety that you are feeling by making a major or minor lifestyle or food change. And if you need a hand, be sure to give Ideal Balance a call.