Saturday, May 26, 2007

Healthy Tips For Quick Weight Loss

There are many tips out there for someone looking to find some quick weight loss tricks. There are advertisements everywhere for diet pills, and the latest in fad diets. However, you must understand that they each have their potential dangers. The diet pills are highly addictive and, other than potential weight loss, do your body no good. The fad diets are often promoted as the next medical weight loss miracle. Well, overused or abused, this miracle can result in damaging your overall health.

One of the easiest and fastest diet tricks is right under your nose. Water! Simply by drinking a couple of glasses of water before meals you can significantly reduce your appetite. Water acts as a filler thereby reducing your hunger, as well as reducing the capacity of your stomach. Try doing this before meals and it won't be long before you see your weight drop. In the mood for a snack? Have a glass of water instead, and watch the urge (probably, carbohydrate craving) go away. Drinking water also comes with the side benefit of helping to flush your kidneys. This healthy diet tip is enhanced if the water is cold, and can result in the burning of an additional sixty calories per day.

This next tip is essentially also right under your nose. You hear it all the time; eat smaller meals more often. It has been proven over and over again that eating smaller meals five or six times a day will result in your feeling fuller, and eating less. These smaller, more frequent meals will also go a long way to eliminating the urge to snack. Still can't resist a snack? Try a pickle; it's only one calorie and makes a great low cal snack. Eating this way is very helpful to someone who desires quick weight loss because it allows for the controlling of their caloric intake.

Another healthy tip to add to your overall diet plan is the drinking of at least five cups of green tea daily. Studies have shown that the antioxidant catechins found in green tea will aid in the fat burning process of your body. This is a simple step that will help you to burn off an additional eight calories per day. This is just about equal to skipping one can of soda at one meal each day. Not much? Maybe not on the surface, but over an extended period, say a year, you will save around three thousand calories.

There is no magic solution to slimming down, but the use of common sense to eat carefully, and an honest effort to get some regular exercise will prove to be the real keys to weight control and keeping fit. If you are looking to develop your own quick weight loss program, try implementing some of the above tips.

Copyright ©2007 Carl DiNello

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Having a nice figure gives us more confidence.Thanks for the informations you shared with this article.

Try also to know some more other tips to gain a healthy, balanced, drug-free lifestyles.