Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Improve Body Torque

Did you know that just living in today's world can create health risk? Our bodies are powered through our metabolism, which is the process of life-sustaining biochemical reactions that occur in our cells every day.

In a perfect world, we take in enough high quality food and nutrients to provide essential fuel for metabolic activity. Ideally, we eliminate wastes created through metabolism as part of a balanced system.

However, in today's fast-paced world, our bodies are challenged to remove the waste and toxins from our cells fast enough to maintain robust health and vitality!

When out of metabolic balance, we suffer from a condition known as metabolic stress and, for some of us, a more serious condition known as metabolic syndrome.

Why is metabolic stress a concern?

"metabolic stress includes all the potential breakdowns in our metabolic activity, and creates dysfunctions that "impact the heart and cholesterol levels, weight gain and loss, blood sugar levels, glucose and insulin regulation, energy level, mood, and focus, Metabolic stress, causes actual damage to our cells and tissues."

Do you have metabolic stress?

Likely. Do you have any of these symptoms?

• Inability to concentrate or focus mentally

• Moodiness, irritability

• Lethargy, lack of physical stamina

• Difficulty keeping weight down or losing weight

• High levels of cholesterol or blood pressure

• Glucose and insulin imbalance

• Irregular bowel movements

• Sleeplessness

It may be difficult to function satisfactorily every day with metabolic stress. It may be impossible to live a vibrant and robust life! Left unattended, metabolic stress can lead to a more severe imbalance, and serious health risk, called metabolic syndrome, which can lead to heart disease, cancer, stroke, diabetes, obesity and macular degeneration.

What is metabolic syndrome?

"…Based on the guidelines from the 2001 National Cholesterol Education Program Adult Treatment Panel (ATP III), any three of the following traits in the same individual meet the criteria for the metabolic syndrome:

1. Abdominal obesity a waist circumference over 102 cm (40 in) in men and over 88 cm (35 inches) in women

2. Serum triglycerides 150 mg/dl or above

3. HDL cholesterol 40mg/dl or lower in men and 50mg/dl or lower in women

4. Blood pressure of 130/85 or more

5. Fasting blood glucose of 110 mg/dl or above (Some groups say 100mg/dl)"

"Metabolic syndrome is quite common" reports WebMD. "More than 50 million Americans have Metabolic Syndrome… Metabolic Syndrome affects more than 40% of people over 60 years of age." BioNovix, Inc.
A New Effective Remedy

Scientists have been studying the effects of a powerful antioxidant called xanthohumol [zantho hu'mol] and its beneficial effects on metabolic stress and metabolic syndrome

After extensive research, testing and development, BioNovix, Inc. scientists have created a bioavailable formulation of xanthohumol has been patented in MeridiumXN. "MeridiumXN is the first and only health product that makes xanthohumol available in a form that we can metabolize." Scientists have learned that MeridiumXN:

• Supports cell health to fight oxidative stress

• Promotes heart health

• Regulates fat metabolism and storage (helps control weight)

• Eliminates toxins from the body

• Has more powerful free radical protection than green tea or red wine, citrus fruits or soy foods

• Modulates cholesterol and triglyceride levels

• Accelerates weight loss and helps keep weight off

• Helps maintain healthy eye cornea and retina

• Helps maintain healthy glucose and insulin levels

• Protects against viruses, bacteria, and fungi

• Acts as an energy enhancer

• Modulates the hormone responsible for a sense of well-being

• Improves skin tone and color

• Helps fight poor sleep and insomnia

• Restores, protects, and vitalizes your health

Consumers report these effects:

• Moderate reduction in appetite and improved weight loss

• Deeper, more sound sleep

• Better, sustained energy throughout the day

• Clearer thinking, better focus

• Improved vision and eye health

• Lower blood pressure and cholesterol

• An overall sense of "well being" and happiness

Don't you want to get the best performance possible from your body?

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