Thursday, May 10, 2007

The Rest of the Story

On Monday's I like to recharge my mind and body. After a week of hard training it's time for a rest. Today I will go to work and come home to relax. Throughout this day I avoid as much stress as I can. I can avoid many stresses just by turning off the television and radio. Taking a little time just to sit and be still.

I will leave for work today, 10 minutes early to allow for traffic. Drive with the radio off. Go a little slower than normal. Just get into the flow of things. The added time relaxes me and allows for a more relaxing start to my day. As I drive with the radio off the silence is so nice. All day long people will be talking; phones will be ringing, etc. Just taking a few minutes to rest the senses makes a huge difference.

Arriving in the parking lot I will sit and relax for a few minutes. Thinking about how I want my day to progress. Planning who I need to talk with and how I want these conversations to go.
During the work day I go with the flow. Avoiding confrontations and just trying to get along with everyone. As I pause from time to refocus on staying relaxed my mind will be stay very clear. Before I know it my very productive workday is done.

On the drive home I will leave the radio off. Continuing to take my time during the commute I will arrive home relaxed.

This evening is for my family. My wife will cook a great meal. During dinner everyone will share their day with each other. We make a deal to talk about happy and funny things. As we finish dinner everyone is always in a good mood.

After everyone helps clean up the kitchen together it's time for hanging out. The kids will do their thing, probably homework. The wife and I will read, talk or just enjoy the quiet. On Monday's we always leave the television off.

Tomorrow will be a new day and the beginning of my training week. By taking this one day a week to really relax I can continue to train at a high level. Actually I practice relaxing every day. Some people will think that we are boring people. But you know what we sure aren't all stressed out.

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