Wednesday, October 24, 2007

The Mythical 'Slim Zone'

I just drove past a gymnasium that was advertisement group-exercise social social classes like this:

'Small classes, tons of fun, no mirrors.'

No mirrors?

Why on Earth is that a merchandising point?

Sure, mirrors aren't necessary... but why would their absence be seen as portion of reasonable selling strategy?

Something to be advertised?

Maybe for the same ground that people don't desire to cognize their weight or their body-fat percentage when I measure them.

"Don't state me, don't state me" people state to me as they reluctantly stand up on the scales of measurement with their eyes shut.

"But you weigh what you weigh right?"

"Yeah but I don't wanna know."

"Why not?"

"I'll acquire depressed."

So I state them their weight and they acquire angry at me.

Too funny.

Nasty Craig.

"Don't acquire grumpy at me... I didn't make that to your body."

When it come ups to reality, we're experts at avoiding it.

I've written a station on 'head-in-the-sand-itis' before but it looks that we may be heading into an epidemic.

A pandemic even.

Maybe we're there already.

It amuses me that a concern can direct out this message:

"Exercise with us and you won't have got to look at your fat selves in the mirror"

"Yep, mark me up!"

I believe some of us should be surrounded by mirrors twenty four-seven until we halt deluding ourselves and start to acquire proactive.

I'm not a fan of mirrors in gymnasiums for amour propre grounds but they are valuable for:

1) Teaching right exercising technique and

2) Keeping us grounded.

"Oh yes... (in a feeble, hapless voice), but I happen it so painful to look at myself in a mirror, it aches so much."


Well, delay for your first heart-attack; you might rethink your definition of pain. And wait until your pancreas is so shot that you have got to medicate every twenty-four hours for the remainder of your life to pull off your self-induced diabetes... then we'll chat.

A small short-term emotional uncomfortableness now doesn't remotely compare to the human race of injury you're gonna stomach if you don't change your mindset, your wonts and your lifestyle.

No melodrama, just honesty.

It is what it is.

As I always state to my audiences "I can state you what you wanna hear, or I can state you the truth... you can acquire offended, defensive and precious... or you can acquire busy changing your reality."

I actually state people to travel home, take all their clothing off and take a really good expression at themselves in the mirror from all angles.


Preferably take photographs as well.


Because it's reality, that's why.

It's you.

It's not some computer-generated future fat version of you, it's you right now. Deal with that, toughen up, acquire over the self-pity (it's annoying and accomplishes nothing) and then you will begin to see consequences quickly. Real Number change.

Our physical world doesn't usually aline with psychological reality. In other words, it's almost impossible for you to be aim about you.

Over the old age I have got taken one thousands of 'before' photographs of people (front, side and rear) before they begin their weight-loss/fitness endeavour. Invariably they are stunned when they see the pictures. Why are they so shocked? Because when it come ups to their body, they dwell in some option reality; The Slender Zone. The 1 where they look 40 lbs lighter.

Amazingly, people always inquire me to forbear from showing the photographs to anyone else because on some degree they believe that somehow the photographs are worse than the 'in the flesh' reality.

"See me standing here in my exercise gear wheel but don't look at that photograph we took five proceedings ago (in the same clothes) 'cause I'm so much slimmer in person."
"I don't really look like that photo."


I cognize that I may sound rough to some of you and I cognize my attack and doctrine won't sit down well with everyone, that's okay. But twenty five old age of going around in circles with people about the same issues and having the same conversations (often with the same people) will do you a small practical and matter-of-fact. Okay, blunt.

I care more than about your heart, arteries, lungs and overall physical wellness than I make about telling you what you desire to hear; what's comfortable for you. I'm not really about popularity, I'm about change. Results.

I cognize I could compose more than reader-friendly, politically-correct contented but I would be compromising what I believe and lacrimation down an of import message. So blunt Craig it is.

I'm not interested in fluffing someone's emotional pillow or propping up their mediocre self-esteem for five minutes.

I'm interested in their long term physical health.

I'm interested in the truth of the situation.

I'm interested in genuine, forever (never going back) amazing, physical change. It's very possible but we go on to rationalise, warrant and happen new and exciting ways to undermine our ain ends and perpetuate our misery. We consistently blow our potential. And we go on to allow our head acquire in the manner of our body.

We take to dwell the mythical Slender Zone.

Yep, I care about people's feelings and emotional state and yes, I factor them into every interaction with every person... in fact, I work on the premiss that getting in form is largely an emotional process. And Yes, I was a fat kid, so I acquire 'it'.

However... I won't be getting quit of the mirrors in my gymnasium any clip soon.

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